
The encyclopedia of beekeeping
Organic as an ally of Biodiversity
Natural capital as an exhaustible resource We are currently living in a period of profound ecosystem changes, in which nature and its contributions to human life, in terms of its…
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The true face of honey
The food of the gods Honey has a very ancient history. The first indications of its use by humans, who have probably eaten it since their origins, can be dated…
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The beekeeper, the bees’ friend
A very old partnership Humans have always made use of the resources accumulated by bees either as clumsy predators or as relatively skilled exploiters. Even now, in some parts of…
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How is honey processed?


of the frames


and extraction


Straining and



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Patron saint of Milan and beekeepers. His feast day is December 7. It is said that when he was still in swaddling clothes he was visited by a swarm of bees, which even entered his mouth. Hence the love for his neighbour and the sweetness with which he spoke.


A set of several hives positioned closed together in one place. There is a distinction between permanent apiaries, intended to remain in the same place all year round, and nomadic apiaries, which are transported in different periods to areas where there are nectariferous plants


The art of keeping bees in a rational way, for the purpose of deriving a profit from them in the form of honey, wax, pollen, propolis, royal jelly or through the service of pollination. Bee keeping, or apiculture, is considered in all respects an agricultural activity pursuant to Article 2135 of the Italian Civil Code.


A series of treatments aimed at recovering well-being through products collected, processed and secreted by bees, as a supplement to conventional medicine. It is a healing practice based on a very old tradition, with centuries of therapeutic evidence and testimonies dating back at least two millennia.

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